Director of Athletics and Facilities Use
Email John McMahon
NHCS Families,
The New Haven Community Schools Board of Education has approved a new Athletic Code of Conduct that will be in effect at the start of the 23/24 school year. The document is attached below for your review. The athletic department wanted to make you aware of the most significant policy change, which is academic eligibility. Student athletes must have passed 6 out of 7 classes in order to be eligible to participate on any sports teams. In addition, two D’s equal an F. For example, if a student has four D’s that would be equal to two F’s, making the student athlete ineligible. If a student has one F and two D’s, that would also equal two F’s, making the student athlete ineligible. If a student ends the second semester with two or more F’s (or D’s that equal F’s) they will be ineligible for the first semester of the 23/24 school year. The athletic department encourages students and parents/guardians to check Powerschool on a regular basis to stay apprised of current grades. New Haven High School offers summer school for credit recovery. Information on the summer school policies and registration form are below for those who may need them.
Valid Physicals
The Michigan High School Athletic Association requires all student athletes to have a valid physical on file with the athletic department. A valid physical for the 2024-2025 school year must be dated on or after April 15, 2024. If a student athlete does not have a valid physical on file in the athletic department then one must be obtained before the student athlete many participate in and athletic activities. Please see the link below for dates and locations of where a sports physical may be obtained.
New Haven Rockets Athletic Passes
Athletic passes can be purchased at the admissions gate of any home sporting event or in the main office during school hours. The cost of the pass is $60.00 and is good for 30 regular season home event admissions.
MAC Location Book
New Haven High School sporting events are now being live streamed through NFHS. Please see the link below to subscribe.
Mr. John McMahon
Stacey Conners
Athletic Secretary
586-749-5104 ext. 3010 Email Mrs. Stacey Conners
Mrs. Dawn Vigneau
Athletic Trainer
Email Mrs. Dawn Vigneau